Solar Thermal Concentrated Solutions

“True Parabolic Solar Concentrator Technology” offered by us focuses sunlight into a high-efficiency thermal cavity receiver which is used to heat water, steam or thermal oil to generate thermal energy up to a temperature range of 100°C to 550°C. Solar Concentrators are used as the prime source of energy to heat Thermic fluid. The water gets heated up to a temperature of 300°C and this heat energy is used for cooking and other steam applications. This system has an integrated auto dual axis tracking mechanism which tracks the sun accurately and automatically throughout the day. The process of heat generation is natural and eco-friendly Highly efficient and weatherproof reflectors trap the sun energy in the most optimal manner. True Parabolic Solar Concentrator has a reflector area of 10m2. The Concentrator has an inbuilt Dual Axis tracking system which follows and tracks the sun to generate the maximum solar output at all times which thereby results in high yield of output energy that can be used in various applications. The concentrator tracks the sun accurately with an accuracy of 96% given the fact higher the concentration higher the efficiency & energy generation and maximum fuel savings.